Gonna Get Over You

Sara Bareilles

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2011-09-22
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Video Length: 4:45

Music Video


  • Amazing song, hilarious video

    By Peacelovehippos
    Sara is an amazing singer and person, and this is probably my favorite music video ever. The ending is absolutely hilarious
  • Love it!

    By hotskullgirl
    I love sara bareilles and love that her music is differnt from other singers. Love the music video and this is the kind of stuff i expect from her :)
  • Excellent video... Very poor resolution!!!!!

    By SedatedMXL
    I really love the song and the video, very catchy tune for a sad situation...
  • Another fantastic offering from Sara!

    By gruffteddybear
    Love this video. It is great to see Sara dancing. The grocery store was an interesting setting and the background dancers were a mix of pros and amateurs. Somehow it worked. It was even a great ending when she's removed from the store. I can't explain it, you just have to see it. The best thing about this video is that it appears she had a great time making it. This vid is a pleasant change from the over-produced music vids out there. Sara dances and sings to the beat of her own orchestra and that is what makes her music enjoyable, and videos unique and worth watching. She isn't just another cookie-cutter pop star. Give this vid, and the rest of her music a try. You won't be disappointed.
  • Loved it!

    By maitredebas
    Feel good song and video.
  • Sara? Is that you?

    By carriefan100
    What did I just watch? They're having a flash mob in the grocery store… Alright then…? This may not sound like it, but I am a Sara-fan, and I love this song, but the video? It's a little peculiar if you ask me. If you like this music video, go ahead and buy it, but if you're not sure after seeing this preview, then watch it on the internet. In my opinion, it's not worth your time. But I still love you, Sara!!
  • Bloody brilliant!

    By cwyglobal
    The quirky feel-good little dance number that's right on the beat of a happy-sounding sad little song, the irony of it, bloody brilliant!
  • Realism

    By blaire123
    What weirdos r gonna be dancin around the grocery store like a maniac?
  • Great! 2 thumbs up!

    By Awesomepandabear
    Sara Bareilles is such a natural singer her tunes are always so catchy!!!
  • Brilliant in 5 different ways

    By Awe Heal
    1. Catchy little tune executed flawlessly 2. Snappy little dance number 3. Real people, no plastic fantastic holly woody wanna be's 4. Pushy -- borderline aggressive -- Girl Power 5. Effing "F" for funny hilarious...all the way to the end Buy it, you'll like it and bust a gut at the end.

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