Reverie - Jann Klose


Jann Klose

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2007-12-11
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 12

  • ℗ 2007 3 Frames Music


Title Artist Time
Beautiful Dream Jann Klose 4:00 USD 0.99
Hold Me Down Jann Klose 4:00 USD 0.99
Doing Time Jann Klose 3:39 USD 0.99
Mother Said, Father Said Jann Klose 2:32 USD 0.99
Clouds Jann Klose 3:42 USD 0.99
Give In to This Life Jann Klose 3:41 USD 0.99
All These Rivers Jann Klose 5:29 USD 0.99
Question of the Heart Jann Klose 3:21 USD 0.99
Remember Your Name Jann Klose 3:34 USD 0.99
Ithaca Jann Klose 2:53 USD 0.99
Watching You Go Jann Klose 3:09 USD 0.99
The Beginning Jann Klose 6:05 USD 0.99


  • Poetry, melody, timbre & voice of tear generating beauty

    By GaGeHou
    Poetry of tear generating beauty, melodies and a voice from the heavens, timbre and orchestration touching Vince Guaraldi to Jaco Pastorious. Take this flight.
  • Doing Time

    By WizCat
    I heard Jann on the Feast of Fools Podcast. It was a great interview and his live performance was amazing, especially when he sang Doing Time. It really blew me away and prompted me to look him up on Itunes.
  • Love It!!

    By kmc913
    I love every song on Reverie! Anyone who enjoys a great voice and songwriting should buy this album.
  • LOVE this album

    By Next2Front
    Thoughtful and moving, 'Reverie', just hits the spot. Each song is original and heartfelt. I can't wait to hear these songs live when I am in NY!
  • I love Reverie!

    By musicmaniac414
    Everyone should add this CD to their collection. Seriously, it is buy far the best collection of songs that I have heard in one album. Each song leaves you anxious and excited to hear the next. I still get goosebumps and I've probably listened to the album 20 times through. So, if you like to listen to good music that moves you, buy Jann's Reverie. I promise you won't regret it.
  • Looking forward - not back - with Reverie

    By WhisperingJack
    Jann and company's fourth album is sure to please. Having listened to all his music to date, I can comfortably say that Jann is coming into his own. His music, although listed as pop, is more of a soulful jazz/blues style with intricate rhythms and articulate wording. This album, "Reverie", is a juxtaposition of quiet, intrspective moments that could occur in anyone's life played out exquisitely with powerful instrumentation (listen to the accordian - of all things - in ""Doing Time"!) and Jann's strong voice. "Beautiful Dream" is a hauntingly sweet, almost bittersweet, reminiscence takes an orchestral look back at a significant first meeting. "Hold Me Down" is, simply put, a fun and lighthearted song. Continuing with the theme of "Reverie", you can't help but ponder Mother Said, Father Said". Performed in a more simplistic (sybolically childlike?) style, this song provides a unique reminder of how our parents impact our lives and memories. Reminiscing doesn't always happen over happy times and events. I love that Jann ended the album with "The Beginning". The sounds and lyrics both communicate how we've reached the end of one road only to begin another. "Reverie" was truly refreshing to listen to. I enjoyed the lyrics, which can range from very symbolic to everyday, common vernacular. The instrumentation also flips between a simple background piece to becoming the feature (listen to "Ithica"). Not pop, not rock and neither jazz nor blues, Jann's music combines some of the best qualities of these genres for a fresh sound that does your body and soul some good!